​​Let's embrace a simpler, more earth-friendly fall cleanup routine that doesn't interrupt the natural process of growth, decay and renewal - where an untidy garden sustains wildlife and fallen leaves are turned into compost.

Protect Our Pollinators is a proud Partner of the Pollinator Pathway Northeast and Hudson to Housatonic Regional Conservation Partnership and proud supporter of the Homegrown National Park and Eco59 seed collective.

Protect Our Pollinators is a nonprofit organization devoted to the conservation of pollinators

and their habitats.

Nature Loves an Untidy Garden


Garden Myths Debunked



Gardeners often rely on misguided advice offered

     from well-meaning folks that are more of a 

     hindrance than help.

     Here are a few myths that might make you think twice              


 To order, mail your donation to:

 Protect Our Pollinators

 12 Whippoorwill Hill Road 

 Newtown CT 06470


    Suggested donation is $20.

- to save our endangered pollinators through  education and action.

Contact us at:  ProPollinators@gmail.com

Find us on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/protectourpollinators


Planting intentional soft landings (plants not mulch) 

under keystone trees builds healthy soil,

provides food for songbirds and pollinators,

sequesters more carbon than turf grass, 

and reduces time spent mowing.

Our Mission

​Forests are a Natural Climate Solution

Healthy eco-systems are intrinsically tied to the well-being of humanity and are a natural climate solution.

​​​​​​​​​​​Want to Help our Struggling Pollinators?

 1)  Convert 10% of your lawn to pollinator habitat.There are more than 40 million

      acres of lawn or turfgrass in the U.S. alone. This change would add four million acres for

      bees, butterflies, and birds.​

 2) Replace some of your non-native ornamental plants with native plants.Many

     different kinds of beneficial insects rely on native plants as food or for nesting sites. These

     insects are food for birds and other wildlife. Declines in backyard birds are linked to an

     increase in the number of non-native plants.​​

 3) There is no need to use Pesticides on a lawn or garden. Pesticides, especially

     insecticides, kill bees and other pollinators and beneficial insects that are meant

     to control pests.Systemic pesticides calledNeonicontinoids (Neo-nics)are lethal to

     bees and other pollinators. ​And the most commonly used herbicide, Roundupis wiping

     out milkweed and other wildflowers essential for native bee pollinators and butterflies. 

    Roundup additivesare toxic to Bumblebees.​​

​​ 4) Turn off the lights.  Lights harm night-flying insects.  Moths are a night-time

      pollinator and are food for birds and other wildlife.Attracted by the light, they

      become exhausted and die.  Fireflies, in their immature stage, are important for pest

      control. Lights disturb these night-flyers seeking mates to reproduce. By adding motion

      sensors and using yellow LED lights will preserve these important insects.