Plant Lists for Pollinators and Other Wildlife

Planting for Pollinators

Native Plants include perennials, shrubs, trees, vines and grasses. Sometimes referred to as straight species or wild-type plants, they evolved over a period of time sufficient to develop complex and essential relationships with pollinators, birds, and other wildlife species in a given ecological community. Native plants were established here long before the arrival of European colonists.

Why are Native Plants so Important? Native plants are important for their ability to support wildlife, especially our plant-eating insects (herbivores) that in turn provide protein-rich food for a large percentage of wildlife species. Insects are extremely important to the health of all terrestrial ecosystems on which we humans depend. Without insects, higher life forms would cease to exist.

Native Plant and Pollinators co-evolved for mutual benefit. The unique shape, size and color of a flower attracts the specific pollinator(s) to ensure pollination. In exchange, the plant's pollen and nectar meet the nutritional needs of the pollinator by providing it with the best source of pollen and nectar. Pollinators include many species of bees, butterflies, flower flies, beetles, hummingbirds, and moths (pollinators of the night-shift and food for birds). Native plants also support beneficial insects such as lady beetles and lacewings that are important for controlling many garden pests.

Plants for Specifc Conditions

Trees, Shrubs & Vines